Need to restore an Image and maintain an IP.

My current, Production Linode (Let's say the IP is is running without problems.

But our upgrades to the server/site are significant so we made a New Linode to implement them. (Let's say this new Linode IP is

I can't simply Share/Swap the production IP address to deploy because my Linodes are not in the same data center. (Already checked w/ Linode support on this one)

My Plan B was to:

1) Create an Image of both the Production AND New Linode
2) Power down Production Linode
3) Rebuild Production (0.100) from New image (0.200)
4) Reboot, and, voila!

Is that correct? Am I missing a key detail?

1 Reply

Hello! Yes, that's correct. Instead of swapping the IP addresses directly, as they are locked by region, the approach you described involves swapping the disks by booting the Production Linode ( using the disk image from the New Linode ( in the desired region.

By creating an image of the New Linode and using it to rebuild the Production Linode, you effectively transfer the configuration and data from the New Linode to the Production Linode. This allows you to implement the upgrades on the Production Linode without being restricted by the IP address limitations between different regions.

Once the Production Linode is rebuilt using the disk image from the New Linode, it will essentially take on the characteristics and configuration of the New Linode. However, it's important to note that after the rebuild, you'll need to manually configure the IP address and update any necessary network settings to reflect the original IP address of the Production Linode (

In summary, your plan involves swapping the disks by booting the Production Linode with the disk image from the New Linode in the desired region, thereby achieving the goal of implementing the upgrades on the Production Linode without being constrained by Linode's IP address limitations. If you run into any issues during this process, please feel free to reach out to Linode Support.


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