Sudo Not Working


I'm having trouble getting sudo working correctly on my Ubuntu 7.10 linode.

If I log in as my non-root user and try something like:

sudo nano

I'm prompted for my root password which I enter, and then I'm simply returned to the prompt again (whereas I'd expect nano to open).

To troubleshoot, this is what I then did:

By default there didn't seem to be an admin group, so I added one as root:

addgroup --system admin

I then added my user to the admin group.

useradd -g myusername admin

But sudo still behaves in the same way.

Can anyone help me with this?


2 Replies

1) sudo wants your user's password, not root's password.

2) is you user listed in /etc/sudoers? use visudo to edit. (for more info: man sudoers)

Thanks aaron.

Adding my username to the /etc/sudoers file worked a treat.



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