What hosting software should I use to setup a dedicated hosting server?

I am wanting to set my server up to allow people to make vms on it and do what they need but I have no idea what software and stuff i should use for it.

2 Replies

Are you saying you want to be a re-seller and host other people's sites on your Linode instance?

I don't understand the Virtual Machine concept you mention. You need to give us a much more complete and detailed explanation of what you are wanting to do before we can help you.

We do not currently support nested VMs on our infrastructure, although this could change if we release baremetal-style services in the future:

You may be able to still offer hosting for your own clients by carefully managing user/group permissions and setting user resource quotas:

Please keep in mind that as the owner of the server, you are ultimately the system administrator and are responsible for their behavior. Our Scope of Support does not allow us to configure or admin on your behalf. For more information, check out this Community post about how to become a Linode reseller:


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