Linode Network Restriction

So we get an email about another network restriction. Every time these are false positives. We got it yesterday, responded via email. Then all of the sudden Akamai network restricts and takes down this linode which hosts about 40 websites. Now no one responds to the ticket in the web manager. What is going on? Makes me want to go back to VULTR now.

1 Reply

The exact time frame required for a response to a given Terms of Service violation varies, depending on the potential offense and its ability to negatively impact others. All that being said, I can definitely understand how network restrictions being implemented could be frustrating.

If you find that you are having recurring issues with reports on your account, false positives or otherwise, the best course of action is definitely voicing those concerns in a support ticket. Linode/Akamai's support staff are usually understanding and willing to work with customers-- and if you ever need immediate assistance for any issue, you can always give the support line a phone call:

U.S. 855-454-6633
Global +1-609-380-7100

Hopefully this information helps others in the community as well from facing similar issues. :)



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