add a second configurastion for my nodebalancer in service.yaml file

Hi, does anybody know what parameters I should add into my service.yaml file so that It adds a 2nd configuration the the existing nodebalancer instead of making a new one. I'm needing one configuration for http 80 and one for https 443. If I add the https configuration manually in linode my site can be reached securely but it gets deleted automatically because i'ts not in the yaml file. Any help please?

1 Reply

In order to configure your kubernetes cluster to serve traffic over HTTPS, you can use cert-manger. This guide titled Configure Load Balancing with TLS Encryption on Kubernetes has instructions for deploying an application on LKE using cert-manager.

If you are trying to add an ingress to your loadbalancer for a completely different service, you can check out this previous post titled Deploy multiple LoadBalancer services sharing one NodeBalancer. There, we have some resources including a post on StackOverflow that should help you with the configuration files.

Like you said, the changes you make manually on your NodeBalancer deployed via kubernetes gets reverted to the configurations indicated in your yaml file. Generally speaking, you should only make changes to your cluster through the config files since that's the way container management systems like LKE are designed to function. Manual changes to the nodes or NodeBalancers through the Cloud Manager can have unintended consequences and will eventually get reverted to match the config files anyway.


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