I can't connect reverse dns into my linode
When I try to connect it just shows up as
This site can’t be reached
refused to connect.
Checking the connection
No login prompt, nothing.
1 Reply
There are a few potential causes for a connection refused error. There could be a firewall in place preventing access to the web server ports, or the web server may not be running even if the Linode is accessible. I have a few recommendations:
Try running nc -zv
and verying that the output shows that your web server is listening on the correct ports.
I would also recommend running: nmap -p 80,443 <ipAddress>
from outside of your Linode to confirm that those ports are accessible to the outside world. I'd also suggest making sure that your DNS records (especially your A record) are correct and that the DNS change has had time to propagate.
This StackOverflow post has some additional troubleshooting tips that you may find helpful, especially with regards to firewall and port issues:
If all of this fails to provide a solution, I would recommend opening a support ticket with your findings from my recommendations above and ask for further assistance.