How do I change the Hook HTML in Beef Linode?

I've just started using beEF and I've seen people use their own HTML as hooks.

I too have a custom HTML ready (a clone of a live website). How can I switch the standard BEEF hook with my very own html hook?

I curious how others are doing this.

1 Reply

I don't have much experience with setting this up myself, but according to BeEF's GitHub, there's a section that goes over how you can include a hook to a server that goes into detail below:

These posts from StackOverflow and GitHub has some additional useful tips that you may find helpful on how you can use your own custom hook:

There's also a tool, ngrok, you could use to switch from your standard BeEF hook to your own, but you'll need a paid account to use ngrok with BeEF. You can find more information below on how to set this up:

Hopefully, these resources point you in the right direction!


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