How do I use Phonegap in BEEF?

I've just started using beef with linode and I'm having trouble understanding how to use the phonegap social engineering module.
I've done some research and noticed that phonegap is no longer active. People have suggested flutter or other alternatives, but I'm not sure how to make modules using these alternatives.

How have others managed to substitute phonegap? I'd love to see examples of what is possible.

1 Reply

I've also struggled with finding any relevant examples of substitute to PhoneGap. However according to this article, Flutter and Apache Cordova are popular alternatives. I did see that Apache Cordova has an extensive knowledge base on how you can get started, while Flutter has a decent selection of tutorials:

It may be worthwhile to also reach out in BeEF's GitHub to see if other users have any suggestions or examples of their work.

Hopefully, these resources can point you in the right direction!


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