Billing UP

Dear Madam,

Why my Billing go Up. from $140 to $164?

2 Replies

This sounds like it could be related to our recent pricing change. Our pricing change for certain services and plan types went into effect on April 1, 2023. We sent out the first correspondence regarding the change on March 1st. Tickets and email alerts were sent out, which were also accompanied by a banner message within the Cloud Manager and a blog post. The documentation below has a detailed breakdown of everything that changed and also what hasn't:

We are expanding our cloud product portfolio and working to improve the resiliency and reach of our network. However, we are experiencing the same challenges as our customers like rises in energy usage costs, data center costs, and hardware prices. We've refrained from raising prices for as long as we could, but given the increasing cost of hardware and other resources, we needed to adjust our pricing model.

Lastly, since this is a community site, we do not have visibility into that information. Account-specific questions are best handled in a support ticket. You can open a ticket through Cloud Manager or by calling us directly:

  • U.S. 855-454-6633
  • Global +1-609-380-7100

Did your costs rise 20%?

I could have seen 7%.

I moved my large instances to another provider and just kept my small one. I personally know some other (ex-Linode) customers who have done the same

In my case Linode lost about $1,000 year in business in order to make an extra $150.

Sure, I could have afforded the $150 but I didn't want to and I didn't have to. I got zero additional value-received for the extra money I would have to pay so went to a provider who provided a better value for the rates they charge.


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