Migrate Wordpress sites from Digital Ocean to Linode

I would like to hire someone to help me migrate websites from my Digital Ocean droplet to my Linode running Cpane. Would like to know the cost and timeline to move @12 wordpress sites.

Thanks, Craig

2 Replies

I suggest getting in touch with our Professional Services Team who could potentially handle the migration for you. Depending on your capacity, you may even qualify for a free migration. All you need to do is submit this form and you'll hear back within 24-48 hours.

If you decide you don't want to hire someone, we also have this guide titled How to Migrate a cPanel Server to Linode that gives you the information you need to migrate your cPanel server from elsewhere to our platform.

This is a simple process, especially if you are not changing the domain name. First you have to create a virtual host on Linode

  1. Zip up the D.O. WordPress directory.
  2. Do a mysqldump on the D.O. database.
  3. Move the zip file from D.0 to Linode via rsync or scp.
  4. Unzip the the file on Linode
  5. Create a new empty mySQL database on Linode
  6. Edit up the wp-config file on Linode with the new database name, etc.
  7. Import the sql dump file into the new database via phpMySQL or from terminal (SSH).
  8. If you are changing the domain name is there is one more step using a utility to replace old domain with new domain in the database.

Maybe it is easier with Cpanel. I've never used that utility.

There are probably a zillion tutorials out there on how to move a WP site.

If you were not using Cpanel I'd do this for you for $50 USD. You can probably get someone off-shore to do it for $5 USD.

You should do it yourself… you will learn a few things… which is what running your own server is all about.


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