I'd like to stop using this service.

I'd like to stop using this service.

Therefore, please cancel the card registration and cancel the automatic payment service.

1 Reply

Linode's support staff won't close your account on your behalf, however, you can complete this process on. your own by following the steps listed here:


  • Log into Cloud Manager.
  • Click the Account link in the sidebar.
  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Under the Close Account panel, click the Close Account button.
  • A confirmation form will appear. Enter your Linode username in the first field and optionally enter any comments you’d like to leave in the second field.
  • Click the Close Account button to complete your account cancellation. Any past due balance and uninvoiced balance will now be charged to the credit card on file for your account. After that, you will receive no further charges from Linode regarding this account.
  • Your account will be cancelled and all of your services will be deactivated.

Just keep in mind that at the time you attempt to close the account, any payment due will be charged to the payment method on file immediately. If payment attempts fail, so also will the closing of your account. Common reasons for failed payments include things like insufficient funds, but if this occurs, you would want to reach out to your bank for more details, since Linode's support staff receives very little in the way of details for failed payments.



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