Virtual Attack Lab?

Hi All!

I am working on a presentation where I need to show a DDoS attack in real-time. I am looking to utilize a Kali instance against another Linode under my account. Is it possible to set this up? I was originally advised to utilize VirtualBox (Kali vs metasploitable), but my Mac is incompatible with any version but the Beta, so I am a bit stuck.

Thank you in advance!

1 Reply

Hi @khurly - We allow all sorts of testing of your own Linodes but we ask that you refrain from DDoS-style testing, or similar stress testing, as it can affect other Linodes on the same host if the testing is intense enough. In most cases the effect is negligible, but we still ask that you refrain from it out of an overabundance of caution.

I'd recommend setting things up under VirtualBox as recommended since the traffic is all internal to your local machine so it wouldn't be able to cause any network problems for anyone else on your local network or ISP.


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