Parallel computing on Xenodes

Any recommendations for a Python-aware parallel computing model on the SMP Xenodes? I'm leaning towards Bulk Synchronous Parallel:

for two reasons:

1) If I ever have access to a non-SMP distributed computing cluster (i.e., another Xenode on a separate physical computer) I can switch from BSPlib to BSPonMPI

and won't have to change my code or computing model.

2) Konrad Hinsen's Scientific Python: … /overview/">

directly supports BSP for Python parallel computing: … /HLSO_2006">

as well as the more difficult-to-program MPI parallel paradigm.


4 Replies

[insert sound of crickets chirping in an empty field]

All the servers will be massively multicore in a few years. Am I the only one trying to prepare for parallel computing here? We already have 4-core SMP virtual servers at Linode today.

Forked multiprocess programming is simpler than parallel computing (and lends itself to different operations than pure number crunching), but I want to get the more difficult stuff out of the way first.



[insert sound of crickets chirping in an empty field]

All the servers will be massively multicore in a few years. Am I the only one trying to prepare for parallel computing here?

No, but perhaps you're the only one trying to do it within Python. I use MPI with C/C++.

I'd argue, though, that most people won't need to use an external library to take advantage of multiple cores. The languages and their run-times will evolve to support it. Either that or new languages will take their place.


…perhaps you're the only one trying to do it within Python. I use MPI with C/C++.

Good point, I didn't think of that. We use C# for SMP parallel processing at my day job.


Well, BSP is out - simple tests ate way too much RAM.

I'm now checking "parallel python" at - it is simple to program both SMP and clusters. Initial tests are very encouraging.



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