Host Name

Trying to SSH my Linode but I am confused. What is my Linode Hostname and what is my username and Password?

1 Reply

The Linode hostname is either the IP address or domain name associated with your Linode. This can be found in Cloud Manager under the Networking tab of your Linode.

Your username is root, and your password is the root password that you set at the time of Linode deployment.

If you have forgotten your root password, you can reset it by following the instructions here.

Once you have this information, you can use an SSH client like OpenSSH or PuTTY to connect to your Linode. In OpenSSH, you can type ssh username@hostname in your terminal to connect to your Linode, replacing "username" with your Linode username and "hostname" with your Linode's IP address or domain name.

ssh username@hostname

If you are using PuTTY, you can enter your Linode's IP address or domain name in the Host Name field, select "SSH" under Connection type, and then enter your Linode username and root password when prompted.

If you still cannot access your Linode by SSH, go ahead and access your Linode via Linode's Lish Console and follow this Linode Community post to troubleshoot SSH.

Hope this helps!



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