How to run Clonezilla?

Finnix doesn't have Clonezilla installed but I'm able to install it from apt repository. But when I run it, it seems to not recognize any of my 2 virtual disks.

Maybe I'm missing some driver I'd need to install?

2 Replies

Linodes do not come with third party applications/programs installed on them. This is why Clonezilla is not available when booting your server into Rescue mode/Finnix.

After downloading/installing the program on your server, you should have no issues using it, although because I am not very familiar wih Clonezilla or its limitations, it may be a good idea to pop over to somewhere like CloneZilla's official forums to drop a line as to why you might have difficulties/issues working with it when running in that environment:


Thanks! Since I'm able to mount the 2 virtual disks, I'd guess it's not a linux driver issue. I'll ask there how exactly Clonezilla detects devices and how to troubleshoot why it doesn't see them.


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