✓ Solved

how do i use a linode server with netlify dns and https ?

hello people,

lets say i have a linode server with ip 111.222.333.444 and a0::11:ff:aa:bb
and i want to set it up to use server.ari-web.xyz
but server.ari-web.xyz ( more specifically ari-web.xyz )
is managed by netlify DNS and netlify also manages the ssl

so how would one ( i ) use a linode server on netlify ?

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

okay, chatgpt response

1. Create a domain in Netlify DNS for your Linode server.
    - Log in to your Netlify account and go to the Domains section.
    - Click the “Add domain” button and enter your domain name.
    - Click the “Add domain” button to save the domain.

2. Set up an A record for your domain, pointing to the IP address of your Linode server (111.222.333.444).
    - Go to the DNS Records section of your domain in Netlify and click the “Add record” button.
    - Select “A” as the record type and enter the IP address of your Linode server (111.222.333.444).
    - Click the “Add record” button to save the record.

3. Set up an AAAA record for your domain, pointing to the IPv6 address of your Linode server (a0::11:ff:aa:bb).
    - Go to the DNS Records section of your domain in Netlify and click the “Add record” button.
    - Select “AAAA” as the record type and enter the IPv6 address of your Linode server (a0::11:ff:aa:bb).
    - Click the “Add record” button to save the record.

4. Generate a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for your domain in Netlify DNS.
    - Go to the SSL/TLS section of your domain in Netlify and click the “Add certificate” button.
    - Select “Let's Encrypt” as the certificate type and enter your domain name.
    - Click the “Add certificate” button to generate the certificate.

5. Configure your Linode server to use the SSL certificate.
    - Log in to your Linode server via SSH and edit the Apache or Nginx configuration file.
    - Add the SSL certificate and key files to the configuration file.
    - Restart the Apache or Nginx service to apply the changes.

6. Configure your Linode server to respond to requests from Netlify.
    - Log in to your Linode server via SSH and edit the Apache or Nginx configuration file.
    - Add a server block to the configuration file with the domain name and IP address of your Linode server.
    - Restart the Apache or Nginx service to apply the changes.

7. Test your setup by visiting your domain in a web browser.
    - Open a web browser and enter your domain name.
    - You should see your website or a default page if your website is not yet set up.

ill see what i can do

to follow up, this worked
the source code is in https://server.ari-web.xyz/git
if you want to see whats up / are confused how to do

but generally this chatgpt response is faily good
and with a bit of searching you can find stuff

i generated my ssl certificate using certbot and imported it
into netlify and it works :) i now host my comment section on there


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