Close my Account

You keep charging me for limited use, but you won't allow me to close my account.

2 Replies

If you're experiencing issues with closing your account, issues like these are best handled with our Support team. You can contact our Support team by opening a ticket through Cloud Manager or for an immediate response, you can call us directly:

  • U.S. 855-454-6633
  • Global +1-609-380-7100

First of all, there is no more "Linode." It is now Akamai. Linode is now just the name of an instance (called a 'droplet' in Digital Ocean.)

You can keep your account but simply not have any running Linodes. If you cancel them you should not be charged.

What is stopping you from closing the account?

If nothing else works, contact the credit card company and tell them you will not pay it and they will issue a chargeback to Akamai, which should get their attention rather quickly.


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