Unreal Tournament 99 server issues


I've been trying to run a ut99 server on my linode. It seems to start up fine, but when a player is connected to it the ut server lags badly, and if I'm running 'top' in another session it doesn't update as frequently as it should (I set the refresh delay to 1 second), but if I push enter to refresh it manually, it still refreshes. I have no idea what would cause this, and haven't seen anything like this before :? And attempting to run the windows version through wine seems to have the same result :?

Any input is appreciated :)

3 Replies

I ran strace on ucc-bin which shows its getting stuck in nanosleep(). The problem seems to be a combination of receiving udp packets and nanosleep, as if you join a game to get it started and disconnect, everything else in the system still runs smoothly.

I'm guessing I won't have this issue in Xen, I applied for the beta but haven't been migrated yet, anyone know whats going on with the beta?

I've done quite a bit more playing around…

I tried running a ut server with uml locally, and it ran fine. I also used the /proc/config.gz from my linode to build uml from source, and it works fine as well. Could it have something to do with the way io usage is limited?

I also tried making a shared library to override nanosleep with LD_PRELOAD, but the function never gets called in the ut server :(

The only way the ut server runs decently is with a shell script that constantly sends the CONT signal to ucc-bin, but this is not a good thing to be doing, lol

Anyone have any other ideas? :?

I finally decided I wanted to see if running the 2.4 kernel would make any difference, which made me go back to slackware 10 instead of 12. The ut server ran without issues, on both 2.4 and 2.6, so I tried using slapt-get's –dist-upgrade to both slackware 11 and current, hoping that the few packages that would be excluded would be the ones that were troublesome. I ran into the same issues after running slapt-get for both, so I'm running slackware 10 with all the servers and supporting libraries from slackware-current. Still not sure exactly why I ran into a problem like this, but its all working now :)


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