Can I use Varnish in a Nanode 1GB?

Hi there,

I have a small Nanode 1GB and would love to optimize it more, beyond PHP-FPM, etc.

So, can I install and run Varnish cache on it? Is it recommended?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

Being unfamiliar with Varnish and having never set it up myself, I just dived into the Varnish documentation. I was surprised by how hard it was to find any technical specifications that would help answer your question.

But I did find this post on their website that broke down Ovehead and Fragmentation. In this section, it talks about settings for configuring your Linode's memory and states that you should allocate 75% of available memory. The lack of RAM on a Nanode and that setting would be too much for me to consider running it on a Nanode that's intended to do anything else.

That said, I did find a different post that outlines how to set up a dedicated server for Varnish that runs only that, with another server being set up to serve the website. Maybe this set up would work: How to setup a Varnish cache server - Swapps

Thank you very much.

So, I also found that Varnish can do more damage than benefit to my server.

The option you suggested is very interesting. I'll take a look on that.


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