How to use cloud init in Ubuntu Focal ?

I'm trying to build an Ubuntu focal Linode using cloud-init. I'm doing the same way I do for my VMs. However, in Linode, the node goes offline straight. No idea why it doesn't wanna boot.

1 Reply

This video has instructions for configuring cloud-init on an Ubuntu 20.04 instance so you should be able to follow along there to get your image set up properly.

Additionally, there are some other reports of folks having issues with cloud-init and Ubuntu 20.04 where solutions are offered up and may be useful in your situation. This post titled kvm virtualization - Ubuntu 20.04 cloud-init won't configure network points to a network config issue during the image creation, and here you can find the commands to re-run cloud-init commands without rebooting.

Finally, you can check out the cloud-init reference files to ensure you have your cloud.cfg file configured correctly.


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