How do i enable AnyCasted IP for UDP connections

Hello, i have game server that's listen UDP 27015 port, i want to enable AnyCast networking in multiple locations what should i do,

2 Replies

Although AnyCast is implemented on our network for DNS resolution by means of our nameservers, your need is centered on the distribution of yoru game server in a way that our system does not automatically do. For that, you would want to use a CDN (Content Distribution Network).

Our parent company Akamai mostly handles enterprise-level CDNs which is likely well beyond your use-case, so you may want to looking into setting up CloudFlare which has some free-tier packages:

BuyVM offers anycast IPs but due to the nature of anycast requires having multiple servers. A GRE tunnel is set up for the game vps to communicate with the anycast servers. It would be nice of that functionality were offered here as well considering it's possible without charging enterprise level costs to customers if they are staying within their network allotment. It would also mean floods could be less likely to effect other customers.

It's also worth mentioning Cloudflare has no option for UDP games (without also doing the enterprise tier) so that's just going to be a no go for anyone wanting to run their own game server if it's not Minecraft sadly.

Other than BuyVM you could try looking into something like Cosmic Guard or x4b, however x4b also charges for the flood traffic so that won't actually be viable for most people either.

I would also suggest hosts in general make flood protection more available to customers beyond just the enterprise levels. I don't know how much of yours and other host's business relies on non-enterprise customers but it won't be just game servers being victimized by these large attacks forever. They are only getting bigger and more frequent. Anycast will eventually one day be needed if not something else just generally.


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