[Feature Request] Restore Managed Database to new Database

For our production use-cases it's crucial that we're able to restore snapshots to new database instances.

We use this to test releases against production data.

Furthermore, this would allow to resize a database instance while the database resize feature is absent, so a double-win.

Would appreciate if you could add this feature to your internal tracker.

2 Replies

Hey Lucky, thanks for calling out this great idea, I wanted to confirm that it's been submitted for tracking. I agree with the many ways this feature would be helpful and hope to see it implemented someday.

Would have loved this feature this morning. Need to restore one table.

Had to create a new storage volume and am currently mysqldumping to it so that I have fresh current data, before nuking the database with last night's backup.

Will have to have my own layer of dumps on top of the provided backup feature moving forward.


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