Managed Database storage resize

With the managed database solution…
How can I increase the storage size? I do not require larger CPU or Ram.

3 Replies

Hi @ScooterSutton - Managed Database storage space can only be increased alongside CPU and RAM. In most cases, larger databases will need the additional processing power and RAM to run smoothly.

If you have the sort of database that stores large amounts of data but does not receive a high number of queries, then you may want to consider setting up your own database on a Linode to work with our Block Storage service:

There will be a line in your database's configuration to set the directory it uses. Here's some info on setting the MySQL data directory, as an example:

The trade off there are backups.
How do I replicate the backup process you have with managed services?
If I understand correctly block storage does not back up the same way that a server image does.

You have a few different options for backups. If you just want to backup the Block Storage Volume itself, this post from the Community Questions site titled Backing Up A Block Storage Volume gives you some solutions.

Alternatively, you can use this guide titled Backup MariaDB Databases to Linode Object Storage with Restic for instructions on using Restic to backup your DB to Object Storage.


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