Slow debug response


I use my linode to run a Java app.
The app itself runs fine, but if I try to remote debug it (using IntelliJ IDEA) it runs extremely slow.
Why is that?

3 Replies

How remote is the debugger from the app?

— sw

The debugger is on my computer, and its set up to debug the linode machince.


The debugger is on my computer, and its set up to debug the linode machince.

I'm assuming your answer means that the debugger is not running alongside the app on the Linode. If there's a network between the debugger and the app, there's latency involved. It's inherent in network traffic.

Even if the debugger was running alongside the app, if you're using the network stack, there's latency involved. There would also be latency involved if the debugger was running alongside the app and it was sending its display to a remote window.

This may give you some ideas:

-- sw


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