Resize Linode


I have an automatic backup on my Linode and I want to upgrade my Linode, for example from a dedicated 16GB to a dedicated 32GB.

Do I have to restore my backup after I finish upgrading?

Or maybe you can give me a sequence or a tutorial, what should I do when I want to upgrade my Linode?

2 Replies

We have a great community post and guide that can walk you through the necessary steps on how to upgrade your Linode.

As for the backup, you will not need to restore your Linode after upgrading because all of your existing data and configuration settings are preserved during the resize, and your IP addresses will remain the same.

I hope this helps!

As for the backup, you will not need to restore your Linode after upgrading because all of your existing data and configuration settings are preserved during the resize, and your IP addresses will remain the same.

However, you should have one. YOU KNOW, deep down, that if you don't have one, there will be problems. Consider a backup to be like a security blanket…

-- sw


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