Question on server location

Server location suggests server closest to clients yet we have clients logging into our live streaming video from every country in the world. I know Akamai is being integrated so that may solve some latency issues we are facing in some countries. Is there any other solution to have clients login by region to access a server closest to them?

1 Reply

Hi there,

You're totally right that getting your content as close to your end users will result in the most optimal user experience.

We're rapidly building out the Akamai Connected Cloud - which will bridge both the best from Linode (Core Compute) with Akamai (Delivery and Security) - to provide customers with an exceptional cloud computing platform unlike any of our competition.

We have additional new compute sites spinning up later this year, so you'll be able to replicate to additional regions real soon. That said, if you need access to Edge computing now, you may want to contact Akamai directly and inquire on Edge and Delivery services. You can inquire about these solutions at the links below:



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