disk allocation questions

Hi all,

Two questions on this subject.

First, my Linode used to show 75% of disk space allocated to disk images and now it shows only 60% allocated. I have neither upgraded to a larger server nor changed any settings. Why might this be the case?

Second, I am constantly running out of space on my primary partition - error 28 insufficient system storage errors. Oddly enough this just started happening right around the time I noticed my allocated space went down to 60%.

Question is, how do I allocate more of my allowed disk space to my existing primary disk image? Or, how do I create a new, larger disk image and get my existing server info onto that new partition safely and with no major reinstallations?

Is any of this possible? This is shutting my sites down every day, and I can't find any runaway log files or other obvious reasons, other than the lowered allocation of space, which again, I don't even know HOW to change that, and don't know why it changed.

Simplest solution would seem to be just allocate more space for the primary partition, but I don't know how this is done.

Please help…. thank you!

2 Replies

Crazy Caker gave us all upgrades not that long ago so that is probably why you have extra hdd space.

Shut your linode down, open the disk image in the Linode dashboard, and resize it to a new size. Wait for it to finish. Reboot and youll have access to your space.

As Internat said, it's quite easy to expand your disk images if your disks are formatted ext2 or ext3. If they aren't ext2/3 you can create a new disk image and mount it wherever it's needed.

In my experience, however, throwing disk at the problem isn't going to solve it. You need to understand the underlying issue. What's writing all of the data, where and why? More space is likely just going to lower the frequency of the error.


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