✓ Solved

How do I know if mod_security is running?

Hi there!

I followed this tutorial in order to install mod_security on my Linode.

Well, that tests at the end did not work, despite all the other procedures running fine.

Is there a way to know if mod_security is really running here?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

mod_security is NOT part of standard apache2…it's a 3rd-party pay-for product. If you're running an apache2 from a vanilla Linux distro, you most likely don't have it.

To see if it (or any module) is enabled, do:

ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | grep mod_security

mod_security will be EOL'd on 7/1/2024:


-- sw

I understood, thank you very much.

I followed a guide here at Linode, thought everything was fine (I think they needed to updated such things).

Well, the fault was mine, of course, because I didn't search before. :(


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