How to stop cloning?

I started cloning a node, surprisingly it showed it will take 161 hours AFTER STARTING THE PROCESS.
It's been two days, the cloning is stopping, it's only 43%. I opened a support ticket, no reply at all even after 2 days.

In the meantime, i already cloned the whole node to another hosting which took only 5 hours or less.

At this point I'm just paying Dedicated 32 GB for nothing and dont know how many hours i will have to pay :/

Why there is no STOP button on cloning? aint it essential?

Now i'm thinking it was a big mistake to shift to linode.

1 Reply

We answer our tickets on a first-come/first-serve basis, so our response time can fluctuate depending on overall ticket volume. This delay can be frustrating, but if you ever need immediate review of a situation, you are always welcome to call us:
+1 (855) 454-6633 (North America toll-free)
+1 (609) 380-7100 (international)

We are able cancel your cloning on the backend, so if you haven't done so already, open a ticket through Cloud Manager and we can take a look.

In most instances, when a deployment fails (either from Cloning, raw deployment, or a deployment from an Image or Backup), it fails before creating a billable line item. In cases where it charges you for services that are unusable, we will gladly provide credit to cover those costs.

Otherwise, I also think that including a "Stop" button could be helpful for many other situation, not just cloning. I added your feedback into our internal tracker to help show support for that feature which I think could benefit many people on the platform.


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