Feature: tell us the IP we'll get

Just a minor one, but would improve the migration experience. Tell the user the IP address they'll be getting on the new server, so they can start the DNS propagation while waiting for the machine to migrate.

3 Replies

Linode Staff

Not sure I follow this. Your receive your IP address the moment you log in after your account is activated, which, for at least the past few months, is an average wait of about an hour (because we need to sleep sometime). When adding a Linode to your existing account, it's instantaneous.


Also, in the case of migrations, we've been putting the new IP address in your support ticket.

Your IP doesn't change if you are staying within the same data center.


Also, in the case of migrations, we've been putting the new IP address in your support ticket.

Your IP doesn't change if you are staying within the same data center.

Ahhh. That wasn't clear. I didn't actually open the ticket, as I assumed it wouldn't contain any information over and above the email notification that my linode is ready for migration.

Would recommend making it very explicit: if you're migrating to the same data centre, your IP doesn't change. That will save me some effort.


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