phpMyAdmin alternatives for servers

Hey guys,

Do you know a good alternative for phpMyAdmin which can also be installed in servers?

Thanks in advance.

4 Replies

Perhaps you can find something here:

What is wrong with phpMyAdmin? It runs fine on my Ubunut Linode server.

Thank you. :)

So, I heard some people saying it's insecure. Well, now I really don't know. It is already installed, maybe I can try it again.

I heard some people saying it's insecure

In my experience, those who know… don't talk and those who talk… don't know.


Hahaha… You're right. :)

I will keep it for now, it is running very well.

Do you know if we have to use for our databases that same user we created when first installed phpMyAdmin?

For databases for WordPress, for example.


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