My DNS stopped working

I had been hosting my DNS at Linode for some of my domains during my free trial without issue, and then as soon as my free trial period was over, my DNS for those domains completely stopped working. I made sure to have an active Linode throughout this entire time and still do today.

I opened a support ticket around 10 hours ago and have not yet had an answer to it.

Please advice.

Thank you,

3 Replies

Can one assume that when the free trial is over that the DNS also shuts down?

Why would DNS shut down if I continue with my service and have an active Linode?

Oh, I didn't know that you decided to pay for the Linode after the free trial. I didn't understand how you meant the word 'active.' My mistake (and not my first!)

So give us a bit (actually a lot) more detail.

What OS are you running?

What web server (Apache?)

What is the Linode IP,

What domain are you trying to hit (does it work for other people?)

Whose nameservers are you using (registry or Linode?)

Does it timeout or just not connect?

Can you SSH into your Linode?

Show us your /etc/hosts file (from terminal: cat /etc/hosts)

Finally, forget the support tix, call Linode on the phone if possible.

Ten hours is WAY too long to wait… Linode support has issues they need to fix.


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