DNS has started failing intermittently on linode

I think its since the update on 7th of Feb.

My linode can usually but not always resolve domain names. This is running Uptime Kuma for monitoring 70+ sites. When it fails I get a flurry of alerts saying that the sites are down, but its just DNS failure from the linode unable to resolve the domains its supposed to be monitoring.

On the linode I can run nslookup successfully and then run it again a few minutes later and it will fail (same DNS server -

Here's an example less than five minutes apart:

localhost:~# nslookup powertrip.earth

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    powertrip.earth

Non-authoritative answer:

localhost:~# nslookup powertrip.earth

Non-authoritative answer:

*** Can't find powertrip.earth: No answer


I've tried restarting my docker containers. Restarting networking on the linode, restarting the whole linode. Anyone know what's going on?

6 Replies

Click "Lookup DNS" here:


I don't know who 'crazydomains' is but that is your nameservers so maybe there is an issue with them.

I assume you have checked and re-checked all your DNS records?

The site resolves fine for me: https://powertrip.earth/

(Question: Why did you code the <footer> below the ending </body> tag? I've never seen that done before.)

That was just one example. Its happening with a range of domains including ones that are managed through Linode. Its a time out for that DNS server that the linode is automatically connected to rather than a problem resolving the domains from anywhere else.

For example I will get that DNS error when doing an nslookup from one linode to another, but the domain resolves fine and the site loads from my desktop. The problem is that the linode that is having these DNS errors is set up to monitor 70+ other sites - so when its own DNS fails to work I get a flurry of alerts which are resolved a minute or to later, but in actual fact none of the sites went down at all, its just the DNS lookup failing.

I've subscribed myself to Linode's status page to receive updates on their services, but I've not seen any resolution failures in their DNS servers.

Have you considered switching to something like Cloudflare's public DNS servers? For reference, there IP addresses are below.

  • 2606:4700:4700::1111
  • 2606:4700:4700::1001

Perhaps you'll have better luck with them than Linode's DNS servers, though I've never had problems with Linode's DNS servers resolving domains.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the DNS server that gets used is the one your nameserver is pointed to.

Your nameserver in this case is:
which is in London, UK.

You are trying to monitor lots of servers. Perhaps you should use a commercial service like I do… https://uptimerobot.com/

Perhaps I don't quite understand what you are trying to do here and that someone else will come to your aid.

My 1 site that has it's DNS hosted at Linode has also completely stopped resolving. All of my other domains are fine. I opened a ticket with support, and it has been 2 days. No response yet.

Mine seems to be working now on its own, but it took 4 days and I didn't get anything back from Linode support. Going to keep an eye on it to make sure that it stays working.


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