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How do i transfer credit to my payment methods ?

Helo , I am momena From bangladesh..
By mistake I transferred 5$ to Linode Credit
Now i need to send back the credit to my master card
Is there any option for my problem ????

5 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Hey @Momena777 - I believe I located your ticket and sent an update.

As for response times, we answer tickets on a first-in, first-out basis. This can cause response times to fluctuate. For more pressing matters, we recommend reaching out to us by phone at 855-4-LINODE (855-454-6633), or Intl.: +1 609-380-7100.

Contact Linode support, I would call them for this particular situation.

Sir, I create a ticket for my problem 24 hours ago, but still no Reply from There …..Its urgent for me

As I recommended, call Linode for this situation. Don't use a support ticket. The document I linked to should provide you with the numbers for Linode support.


Hello Sir, You tell me that i will get my 5$ back to my payment method in 3-5 business days…..But 5 days gone still i not received my 5$ in my card


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