Can I have mail server and web server in a Nanode 1 GB?

Hi there!

I would appreciate your help. :)

Can I set up a little Nanode 1GB and have on it a mail server (Mail in a Box) and a full LAMP stack?

I will only have 2 websites/domains on this Nanode, and both of them don't receive a lot of visitors (both uses WordPress).

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

Theoretically, you might be able to pull this off for low-volume traffic web hosting, but no guarantees.

Mail-in-a-Box's minimum hardware requirements specify 512MB of RAM (though they recommend 1GB), and various forum posts about LAMP stack setup suggest similar requirements (<1GB minimum, but at least 1GB recommended). You might be able to make up for this by tuning Apache2 to limit its RAM and maximize its available resource usage.

Worst case, if you find that the Nanode isn't powerful enough to handle both your mail serving and LAMP hosting, you could either split tasks between two Nanodes or upgrade your Linode to the next largest plan (2GB Shared CPU).

Great. Thank you very much. I'll start working. :)


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