Separated DB from code base into a new linode, receiving occasional connection drops


About 2 days ago, we created a separate linode just for the mysql v5 database (the other linode hosts the PHP ~ it's a LEMP stack). Since doing so, we have since had occasional connection losses on customer pages, around once in every 30-50 page loads. Showing:

  • Service Unavailabale:
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later
  • 502 Bad gateway, nginx
  • This site can't be reached. www. is currently unreachable. ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED

Never had this before when DB was on same linode.

The DB is using dedicated cpu 8gb ram 160 SSD, and it's very under utilised using linode monitor.

Anyone know what this could be?

Thanks a lot.

3 Replies

Is your site communicating with your db using the db Linode's assigned IP address?

-- sw

Yes the linodes private assigned IP address.

So, a "private" IP address… not a public one… Is it secured (tunneled)? If not, it should be ("private" IP addresses are not secure…their traffic is just not routable outside the datacenter where your Linodes live).

If so, you need to make sure the tunnel doesn't drop so that it has to be re-established. This might help:

-- sw


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