How can i get backup to a internal volumen in linode

I want to make a backup to a internal volumen linode, because if i loss my server linode or if anybody delete my account i can't restore.

Because de backup are into the server no outside.

2 Replies

Check out borg backup or restic. They're available on all flavors of Linux. They can back up to an internal volume, a block-storage volume or object storage.

However, if someone deletes your Linode account, all your services will go away -- Linodes, backups AND various types of storage.

If you back up to some other vendor's object storage (say AWS), you'll be able to restore your Linode from that if your account goes away. There are several different object storage providers besides AWS. AWS is expensive…

-- sw

several different object storage providers

For many years I have been using:

I don't know if they are an 'object storage' service.

I pay about $20 a year for 120 GB of storage.

I upload a ton of individual files (some that are 50 MB or more) from my Linode via cron-run bash scripts that are run each night.

I recommend, but have no relation to them beyond being a customer.

While I also pay for the Linode backup, I also believe mega-strongly in off-site backup as well. I can't tell you how many times in my almost 50 year career in IT (we used to call it DP) offsite backups have saved my butt!

Just do it… one day you will thank me! I guarantee it!



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