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Looking to install Uptime Kuma utilizing a cert for an existing domain name

Greetings! Just signed up for Linode a few days ago and have been playing around with it. So far so good.

I've successfully installed Uptime Kuma on a Nanode but it's not protected with encryption. I'd like to somehow install a cert for "uk.mydomain.com" (for example) that will then result in https being available.

I've done this in my home lab by way of a reverse proxy which handles (among other things) the issuance and renewal of the certs. But I haven't figured out how to do this same thing in Linode.

Right now I'm thinking install docker and then, within docker, install a reverse proxy container which I'd then point to the UK container and turn it loose to do it's thing.

One thing I'd like to be clear about is I intend to utilize a domain I've owned for years (decades!) via a non-linode registrar and all that comes with it. I already have a FQDN from my domain tied to the nanode and it works, just not on https.

I was wondering if the above is a sound process for moving forward or if anyone has any suggestions for accomplishing this more efficiently?

Thanks in advance for any input.

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

In order to configure the Uptime Kuma Marketplace application to use HTTPS on a custom domain that is hosted outside of Linode, you need to reconfigure the Nginx config files that are created during the initial deployment and use certbot to create a new TLS cert for your custom domain name. You will also need to point your domain to your new IP address.

This guide has instructions for Setting up a Reverse Proxy Using Nginx and you can use the Certbot Documentation to generate a new certificate.

Additionally, you can use this Nginx Configuration Guide and the /etc/nginx/sites-available/<marketplace-deployment-site> file as references for getting your site moved to a the new domain.


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