How do I update my Nodebalancer SSL Certificate Without Changing the DNS IP Address

Please help me determine the appropriate method to update my NodeBalancer SSL Certificate without having to change my DNS AAA record to the IP Address of a Linode while I do the update.

Currently I have to change the DNS AAA record IP Address to a Linode, generate the Cert, update the NodeBalancer SSL config with the new cert / key, then switch the IP address back to DNS. This presents an issue where DNS has latency when updating the IP Address back to the NodeBalancer.

1 Reply

This guide titled Let's Encrypt HTTPS + Linode NodeBalancer walks you through the process of setting up a TLS cert on your NodeBalancer that perpetually auto-renews. Some of the graphics and minute instructions are a bit outdates since we've update our GUI, however, I think the bulk of the info there should be relevant.

Alternatively, this tool called Let's Encrypt Linode creates a docker container to easily update your TLS certificate for your NodeBalancer.

Both of these options should help you avoid downtime.


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