strange output in Centos 5 dmesg

I get a bunch of these in dmesg

line_ioctl: tty0: ioctl TIOCLINUX called

Something to do with the console but I am clueless. Anyone

know the answer?

Fred B.

2 Replies

Ignore it; it's not important.

It's just user-mode-Linux not being able to do a specific action that a real PC can relating to the console (switch console, paste, unblank screen etc etc etc).

It's harmless


Ignore it; it's not important.

It's just user-mode-Linux not being able to do a specific action that a real PC can relating to the console (switch console, paste, unblank screen etc etc etc).

It's harmless

OK Thanks. I could not see where it was eating any resources but wanted to be sure.



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