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Question regarding user uploads with Linode Object Storage

Hello! I am currently about to deploy a small, largely static application made with Flask onto Linode. It's a simple micro blog, but it features functionality where a small group of users upload photos (via Flask-Admin's admin panel) alongside their blog posts. How do I go about storing their user uploaded images onto Linode? I've consulted the documentation on Object Storage but can't seem to find how to have my backend route it specifically to Linode. Do I even need Object Storage for this? Thank you for reading!

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

The documentation on connecting Flask to an S3 bucket should be what you need. The flask-s3 utility will need to be installed and uploads can be made using a python console:

>>> import flask_s3
>>> from my_application import app
>>> flask_s3.create_all(app)

Keep in mind that Linode Object Storage is s3 compatible so if you're using an AWS guide for connection instructions, generally speaking you will just need to change the cluster endpoint URL to a Linode endpoint to utilize the service.

Than you very much! This was a very helpful response.


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