How do I migrate from Linode Block Volumes to Object storage?

So right now I have two servers using volumes for storage. I set them up with fstab to mount on reboot and 20gb storage limit.

But after looking at object storage it looks more affordable for less cost. So I am thinking of migrating the volumes to objects.

Is this doable, or even advisable?

1 Reply

Is this doable, or even advisable?

Doable…yes. Advisable…probably not. Object storage is a very different model than the traditional Unix hierarchical file system. There are no files or directories. There are buckets and objects. Buckets may not contain other buckets so the arrangement of objects in a bucket is flat.

There are no file system paths…only URLs. You have to have a special APIs & tools to manage object storage and develop apps for it (calling fopen() to open an object won't work).

I would read a whole lot more about object storage before I undertook such an endeavor. There are many more ramifications to what you are proposing besides cost reduction.

Since Linode object storage is Amazon S3 compatible, you can do searches for documentation & literature on S3…it’s probably much more well-known.

Note that I’m not saying you can’t or shouldn’t do what you propose…just that you should beware. The road ahead is treacherous…

— sw


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