Fix http 500 error Mastodon Linode marketplace deployment


Whenever I try and upload a picture the app and website trigger a error that prevents media from being uploaded. I would greatly appreciate any help in this.

3 Replies

I had this same problem, I solved it by doing "cd .." in the LISH console to get to the top level directory, then I did "cd home/mastodon/live" to get to the live instance, then running the command "sudo docker-compose run --user=root --rm web chown -R mastodon /opt/mastodon/public/" seemed to fix it

I solved it by doing "cd .." in the LISH console to get to the top level directory, then I did "cd home/mastodon/live"

You could have just done

cd /home/mastodon/live

and saved yourself a step. / is the top-level (usually called the root) directory.

then running the command "sudo docker-compose run --user=root --rm web chown -R mastodon /opt/mastodon/public/" seemed to fix it

If you're not running docker, a simple

sudo chown -R mastodon /opt/mastodon/public

will do. The trailing slash in the command that @Fishfish posted is superfluous.

-- sw


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