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Help needed to install phpmyadmin?

Hi all,
I'm new to linux. I have wordpress with openlitespeed installed on Debian 11 disk. I checked the documentation section and the guide for installing phpmyadmin is for Debian 8.


Would this guide still work for Debian 11?

Also, is phpmyadmin the right application to manage the database for openlitespeed wordpress?

Thank you.

5 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Hi @faboona,
Yes, the guide should work for your Debian 11 installation; make sure you replace apache with lsws (for OpenLiteSpeed) in the commands.

Kindly note that if you have used "Cyberpanel" on your linode for WordPress, you already have got phpMyAdmin preinstalled with the control panel, check more details here: https://support.hostinger.com/en/articles/5387479-how-to-create-and-upload-a-database-on-cyberpanel#:~:text=How%20to%20upload%20or%20import%20a%20database%3F

Secondly, cPanel and Cyberpanel are two very different products; cPanel is a paid product aimed at web hosting providers hosting many clients and needing a robust panel for beginners.

Cyberpanel is open source and developed by LiteSpeed Technologies, primarily for end users looking for a free web control panel. It can also be installed manually from the command line along with the Linode Marketplace.

Upon further reading, I'm now even more confused. So there is cpanel and cyberpanel. Also, the only way to install cyberpanel is thru the marketplace app?

Thanks @priynash. It was strange, the first time I created the Debian instance it refused to connect to myphpadmin, the second time it connected without me installing anything!

So now that I can't get the cPanel, what do you recommend I use to back up my site and the database beside the Linode snapshot/backup?

I'm completely new to SSH and I really don't want to mess around with it. The last time I did, I wiped out my entire website.

So now that I can't get the cPanel, what do you recommend I use to back up my site and the database beside the Linode snapshot/backup?

Linode snapshot/backup is a perfectly reasonable solution…it's automatic and always there if you need it. It's well worth the $5/month it costs. I'm speaking from experience here…

I'm completely new to SSH and I really don't want to mess around with it. The last time I did, I wiped out my entire website.

You can wipe out your entire website with cPanel, cyberpanel and phpmyadmin too.

There's nothing wrong with ssh…just set it up so that anything "dangerous" requires sudo…and don't let root log in with ssh.

I recommend this book to educate yourself on ssh.

-- sw

yea, I enabled backup.
Thanks for the book recommendation.


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