LKE - nodes private IPs are not visible in kubectl


Added 2 nodes using the resize pool and immediately noticed that the nodes are not visible through kubectl & then had to restarted them multiple times till they were visible but the private IPs of the nodes are still not visible.

lkexx-xx-xx Ready <none> 56s v1.24.8 192.x.x.x <none> Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) 5.10.0-20-cloud-amd64 containerd://1.6.9
lkexx-xx-xx Ready <none> 10d v1.24.8 23.x.x.x <none> Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) 5.10.0-19-cloud-amd64 containerd://1.6.9</none></none></none></none>

You can see <none> part, but the linode console you can see the nodes do have the private IPs.</none>

Any help will be appreciated. Now I'm not sure of using the rescale pool feature of Linode.


1 Reply

You can quickly find internal IPs of your LKE worker-nodes by running this command:

k describe nodes | grep "InternalIP"
  InternalIP:  $worker-1-ip
  InternalIP:  $worker-2-ip
  InternalIP:  $worker-3-ip

"Added 2 nodes using the resize pool and immediately noticed that the nodes are not visible through kubectl & then had to restarted them multiple times till they were visible but the private IPs of the nodes are still not visible."

If your worker-nodes aren't connecting to your cluster, you may need to recycle your NodePool to make sure that your nodes have properly joined your cluster. If that doesn't resolve the issue, you can always open a ticket with support.


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