can i mine coins with cpu ?

I understood that you can mine but put the processor at 75%, I want to know if it's safe because I don't want to get banned

1 Reply

Looking through our Acceptable Use Policy, you seem to have hit the nail on the head. The primary issue we normally encounter with Crypto-mining is that mining on a Shared CPU plan puts undue strain on other customers' systems. This is one of the main reasons we discourage against mining on the platform.

As long as you are carefully rate-limiting your mining to not exceed a consistent 80% CPU usage (or deploy a Dedicated CPU server to use the full 100%), you should be fine. One thing to keep in mind is that crypto-mining does not tend to be cost effective on VPSs, so your mining should be seen more as a curiosity/proof-of-concept project instead of a sustainable money-maker.

Additionally, if you intend to mine on the platform, I would recommend that you open a ticket through your account to let us know. This will help establish a context for your activities in the event of a system compromise or any potential ToS/Abuse ticket that could be opened in the future.


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