docker linode - rclone - mount - file/folder not exist


I'm using docker linode account
Firstly I've mounted my pcloud using rclone to the host / vps
checked the folder mounted, and all file my pcloud file was visible with rwrw permission
then i use portainer to pull some server on the container
both server was sucessfully pulled, both server was accessable
both server, when I bind the container to my host' mounted file, the library from these server couldn't find the files (scan library empty)

cloud : pcloud
mounted to : home/(users)/media (manual created folder) / pcloud (manual created foler)
binding container to folder : /(users)/media/pcloud/(specific library folder)
volume on portainer/docker : /(users)/media/pcloud/(spec fold):/(folder name)

can anyone please help to advise what went wrong ? or I'm missing something ?

thank you

2 Replies

Linode Staff

Hey there,

I may be misreading your configuration, so I wanted to make sure, are you binding or using volumes to do this?

Binds are attaching specific files or folders on a host to a container. Volumes are essentially adding a drive to the container, the data in that drive is stored in Docker's own private folders.

This sounds like an issue I was having with some of my containers a while back (I also use Portainer for management of mine) I was trying to set up a container that had specific access to the files of another container and be accessible from the host. The easiest way to do this was have a folder on the host ~/home/$user/files. Then binding that folder to a specific spot in the containers. ~/home/$user/hostfiles. I had messed up the path for binding my files. Since I hadn't deployed the system simply deleting and rebinding the correct directory was the easiest fix for me. Binds require a full exact path to work from / to the specific folder.

If this is your first time messing around with docker I would recommend taking a look at couple videos Network Chuck created.


thank you for your comment, Really appreciate that

yes, this is the first time I tried using docker. Not that I've learned deep, but only follow some instruction just to install the server on the docker. I've some logic of the structure, but not in deep knowledge, at all.

Quote : I was trying to set up a container that had specific access to the files of another container and be accessible from the host.

yes, more less. But since my rclone mount is on the host, I need the server on the docker/portainer to access the mounted folder from the host

Quote : Binds are attaching specific files or folders on a host to a container. Volumes are essentially adding a drive to the container, the data in that drive is stored in Docker's own private folders. (MINE : pwd = /home/kindlezz/media/pcloud => all files accessable on the host)

These are the compose setup on the stacks
1st server
- (/path/to/audiobooks):/audiobooks
- (/path/to/podcasts):/podcasts
- (/path/to/config):/config
- (/path/to/metadata):/metadata
Note: Remember to change the path to your actual directory and remove the <> symbols
Note: Volume mappings should all be separate directories that are not contained in eachother.

MINE : (/kindlezz/media/pcloud/AudiobooksR:/audiobooksR)

2nd server
- ./manga:/manga
- ./data:/kavita/config

MINE : (/kindlezz/media/pcloud/ComicsR:/ComicsR)

Both This compose should be binding right ?

Quote :
The easiest way to do this was have a folder on the host ~/home/$user/files. => I do have this, and it accessable with all the files in it if I access from the host

Then binding that folder to a specific spot in the containers. ~/home/$user/hostfiles. => I should have also bind this too (as instructed) from above docker compose.

=> I can't use ~/home/user/hostfolders => it came out error
=> audiobookshelf-1 Starting Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/home/kindlezz/media/pcloud/AudiobooksR': mkdir /home/kindlezz/media/pcloud: file exists

I suspect this has to do the wrong mapping with this binding or volume to my host

Until now, i have no idea what went wrong

PS : thx for the link video, I will definitly watch that later on


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