spamassassin + dcc

I have configured spamassassin with dcc, razor, and pyzor on

my linode.

I have used all on other dedicated and vps's however using

when compiling dcc on my linode it hangs with the make install.

I found a work around but I am not sure what causes it.

The problem happens when the /var/dcc/map file is generated

(or not generated). The map file is not generated. /dev/random problem?

Here is the code:

if test -s .updatedcc_pfile; then\

../autoconf/install-sh -c -c -o root -g bin -m 600 .updatedccpfile /var/dcc/.updatedccpfile;\

set +e; chown root /var/dcc/.updatedcc_pfile; fi

if test ! -f /var/dcc/ids -a ! -f /var/dcc/map -a ! -f /var/dcc/map.txt; then\

umask 077; PASSWD1=(ps; dd if=/dev/random count=1 2>&1) | cksum | tr ' ' xy; PASSWD2=(ps; dd if=/dev/random count=1 2>&1) | cksum | tr ' ' xy;\

sed -e "s/secret1/$PASSWD1/" map.txt >/var/dcc/map.txt;\

sed -e "s/secret1/$PASSWD1/" -e "s/secret2/$PASSWD2/" ids\


../cdcc/cdcc -qh /var/dcc 'new map; load /var/dcc/map.txt';\

sh -e fix-map -c ../cdcc/cdcc -h /var/dcc;\

../cdcc/cdcc -qh /var/dcc info >/var/dcc/map.txt;\

set +e; chown root /var/dcc/map.txt /var/dcc/map /var/dcc/ids;\


sh -e fix-map -c ../cdcc/cdcc -h /var/dcc;\


Anyone got a clue?

2 Replies

Try: cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

to see if you have random data available.


Try: cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

to see if you have random data available.

There is data there. If you create an emply map file, it compiles.

I have compiled dcc on probably 1/2 dozen other systems and

this hasn't happened. It must relate to uml.


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