✓ Solved

How do I attach a cloned disk to a new linode?

I have been running a Debian 11 Linode and experimenting with configuring static DNS and other static network configuration. Well, the last thing I can remember doing was running:
sudo nmcli con mod <MY_CONN> +ipv4.dns +ipv4.dns then:
sudo nmcli con up <MY_CONN>

After that, my Linode was no longer reachable; not even from the Lish console. My thought to fix the issue was to shrink+clone the disk from that instance and create a new one; attach the clone and repair the configuration.

I have the reduced/cloned disk, but all the steps I've read so far have not gotten me to a running instance that I can do the repairs. Is there anyone here with some experience with these steps that would offer assistance? Of course it's very possible that there is a better way to approach this issue.

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

If you were reconfiguring the networking and suddenly lost connectivity, my fist suggestion would be to make sure Network Helper is enabled and reboot the Linode. This will rewrite your network configurations to default and should restore connectivity.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, the next thing would be to boot the instance into Rescue Mode, mount the disk, and chroot to the working directory to perform the maintenance needed. From here, you should be able to revert the changes that were made which caused your Linode to lose connectivity. You can then reboot the server in order to get it back to its normal working environment.

Finally, you can create an Image of the disk and add it to a different Linode's profile from the storage tab. Once the disk is added to the Linode, you will need to add it to the Configuration Profile so that is available to the server upon boot. Then, you'll have access from the disk from your new Linode.

Thank you so much for your reply. I offer sincere apologies for not replying/accepting the answer immediately after you replied. This was my first post in a public forum, and couldn't find it afterwards. It turned out to have nothing to do with the command that I had run:

sudo nmcli con mod <MY_CONN> +ipv4.dns +ipv4.dns then:
sudo nmcli con up <MY_CONN>

It turned out that I was messing around with my firewall settings on my home router at the same time, and lost track of what I had done.

Thank you again for the very helpful information.


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