Setting Up Moodle Outgoing Email through Outlook


This may not be the place for an answer but I have to give it a shot.

The setup/players:
Outlook - Outlook email, domain through Squarespace - moodle site domain, hosted by

I'm attempting to set up outgoing email from my moodle at to come from my Outlook email No matter what I try, I keep getting a "Your site couldn't communicate with your mail server. Please check your outgoing mail configuration." error.

I have the SMPT host set to and have had my ports opened by Linode. Funny enough, it went from taking upwards of 5 minutes to get the error to less than a minute after the ports were opened, but I still get the error.

I've read online that if I can open up the command console on the server I may be able to edit and fix the issue, but I'm not sure how to do it. I'm very new to all this.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

1 Reply


I noticed that you haven't gotten a reply in a few days. I am honestly not knowledgable with Moodle (besides using it as a student in the past). That being said, I am good with researching and locating specific resources. In this case, I found the documentation from Moodle, on mail configuration:

More specifically, they have documentation for Office 365 specifically. This plugin suite might be what you need:

Reading a bit through the second link shows that Moodle does include some basic Microsoft 365 functions; however, the addon suite provides the most functionality with Moodle.

Hopefully some of this is new information! Let me know if you still are looking for answers. If you found the answer, we would love to hear how you went about it. This can help us, and future customers with the same idea! Thanks ;)


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